Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm Workin' On It

       You'll notice this post is very very short. That is because it isn't one. I'm just writing to let you know that there WON'T be a post today, probably not tomorrow either, and probably not even the next day. That's because the probably-a-week-late post that was meant for today is, I assure you, extra wonderful (at least I think so). It's something very different (and a little more labor intensive) than I've done in the past, but trust me, it's at least a distant relative of lovely. I think you'll really like it. I hope you will.

You're dying to know what it is.

I'm not telling you.

But here's a hint-

Here's another- Hint #1 is so obscure, it's entirely unhelpful. You're welcome.

Now, Go forth and be wonderful.